Extension of European funds to support SME investment in intellectual property aptalaw 20 June 2023

Extension of European funds to support SME investment in intellectual property

Access to the fund for SMEs, supported by the European Commission and EUIPO (the European Intellectual Property Office) – with the aim of supporting in 2023 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that want to protect their intellectual property rights -, has now also been extended to services related to national and European patents, providing for a maximum of € 1,500 of eligible costs.

The Fund, which has a total budget for the current year of 27.1 million euros (25 million for trademarks and designs, 2 million for patents and 100,000 euros for plant varieties)will remain open until the total budget is exhausted and in any case no later than 8 December 2023. EU SMEs that meet the requirements may apply for a refund:

75% of the fees for a «relazione di ricerca di anteriorità» carried out worldwide prior to the filing of a patent application. Such research must be conducted by a national intellectual property office of an EU Member State;

75% of the fees for pre-concentration of patents (filing, research and examination), granting and publication for national protection in an EU Member State;

75% of the fees for filing and searching for European patents filed with EPO (excluding all other fees relating to a European patent).

I voucher cover the deposit fees for nuovi national and European titles. It is not foreseen, in fact, the reimbursement of expenses already incurred, but a prior request for a grant and the issuance of an authorization measure by the EUIPO for the performance of the subsidized activities.

The funds are limited and payable according to the principle “first come first served” (who arrives first is better served). It is therefore very important that stakeholders act as quickly as possible through their consultants.